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NanoGunk Cardinal Buoys Version 1.0

NanoGunk Cardinal Buoys

NanoGunk Cardinal Buoys

The Cardinal buoys are supplied in two versions:

rez on the water and edit the height to ~ 20.09 m (z height)
you can of course set what ever height you desire.

Wave Motion -
rez on the water and the scripting will set the height for you
(as long as you rez by dropping on linden water)
and the wave motion will begin immediately.
There is no click menu to stop the motion - either use the static version
or delete the script.

You can RESIZE using edit if you desire.
If you should need an accurate physics collision - edit the buoy body and change
the Physics Shape Type to: Prim - (this will increase the Li from 3 to 5)

The 3 Land impact (prims) are for the supplied size.

If you wish to place in accordance with marine standards -
google 'cardinal buoys' and you will find plenty of information.
Cardinal Buoy are used to guide vessels around nautical hazards.
e.g. the north buoy tells skippers 'pass to the North to avoid a hazard'.

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