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Necronomicon References (CM)

Necronomicon References (CM)
Necronomicon References (CM)
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There is no known copy of the Necronomicon, despite numerous stories to the contrary. All that is known is based on references to it by other authors. Some quote the text, some merely state what the contents are reputed to be with no direct quotes, others only state where alleged copies are reputedly located, others merely state the names of those who may have read them.

This tome contains every known (and alleged) quote, reference and citation made by reputable sources about the Neconomicon.

All that is currently knowable about the Necronomicon, not a mere prop to decorate your library.

Read via Page Textures, Hologram (particles), Hovertext and notecards. 66 pages, 19000 words.

Thank you to DoctorQuiVonWerForeman Serendipity for his thorough research to find every quotation of the necronomicon and creating the page textures.

Thank you to Sintiya (Scenzia Resident) for her great calligraphy on the book cover of this edition.

All proceeds go to supporting the Bihar Sanctuary in its never ending quest to locate and preserve rare heritage artifacts in the Universe. We risk Sothothian Madness so others don’t have to. Anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety meds don’t come cheap. Remember to support your friendly neighbourhood Sothothian Investigator.

Each page image readable on the book itself or as a display hologram for convenience (to simulate zooming in). Full text available on notecards or displayed in hovertext.

231 references about the Necronomicon by 37 different authors from 101 different sources.

Effort was made to make a one prim, one script book with a lot of features but still responsive.

Credit to Hiro Protagonist for the original book script, preloading mod by Dale Glass, pageback mod by Revolution Smythe and other mods by Eryn Galen.

Further mods as follows:

You must be standing close to the book to use it. It prevents people from far off from interfering.

Touch binding while closed to see the title & author of this book in hovertext

Touch the bottom edge while closed to get the help instructions

Touch anywhere else while closed to open the book

Touch right page while open to turn to the next page, unless at last page, which closes the book.

Touch left page while open to turn to the previous page, unless at first page, which closes the book.

Touch left edge or back of book while open to close the book.

Touch bottom edge of book while open to turn on or off hologram of current pages. Hologram times out after one minute or when you turn the page.

Touch top edge of book while open and select for help, to reset or to whether to have the book read the contents in hovertext or to give you the notecards.

Selecting "Reset" resets the script, stops the reading, hovertext and closes the book. Closing the book also resets the script.

Selecting "Help" gives the toucher a message telling them how to operate the book

Reading hovertext deactivates when you close the book or if you use reset, otherwise it just keeps on going.

Touch along the right edge while open to navigate directly in the book instead of turning the pages one by one. Touching the edge near to the bottom near the beginning, touching the edge near the top puts you near the end. Flip pages from there.

Hovertext shows the page number appears when you use the right edge to navigate, The hovertext disappears when you click the pages or close the book or reset.

Wear on right hand or right forearm to activate holding animation (hold_r_handgun). No animation if attached to HUD.

The page edges preloads the next three pages as well as the previous page, so the textures render faster. If you use the navigation edge, the pages will render slightly slower because they will not have been pre-rendered.

The book can be worn as a HUD to read that way or rezzed in world. You will not be able to use the edge close or navigator feature when it is attached as a HUD. When the book is open and worn as a hud, you can resize it to your screen.

There are two versions: Transfer Only and Copy-Mod.

With the Transfer Only version, the prim book is modify-transfer, the notecards are copy-transfer, the script is transfer only.

With the Copy-Mod version, the prim book is copy-mod-no transfer, in case you need to add scripts to put it into a rezzer or something. The script is copy only. The notecards are copy-transfer.

Transfer only and the Copy-Mod version are sold separately.

There is also a Notecard Reader/Notecard Giver version, also sold separately, in Transfer Only and the Copy-Mod versions.

There is also a set of individual unscripted loose flexy pages, also sold separately, as Mod-Transfer and the Copy-Mod versions.

  • Single Prim, Single Script
  • Read Page Textures on Prim
  • Project Page Textures with Hologram
  • Display Scrolling Text in hovertext
  • Give Notecard

L$ 50

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Tevya Shilling

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
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