Thanks for your interest
Please read this carefully in case you encounter any problems or questions!
These markings come as rigged mesh layers.
These layers are rigged to fit the Utilizator M4 ANNIEMAY head!
Please do NOT try to use the rigged version on any other head, because they will 99% of the time not work!
Since these are rigged, they will move with your face shape sliders. So, depending on your personal shape, the layer may look different than the ones from the preview pictures. I have modeled all of these to the default shape the heads come with, so any sliders you might have used for the head area, might make the them look different!
I made these so people can stop being stuck using only one specific skin mod just to have some cute markings on their cheeks. The markings are white, so you can recolor them to whichever color you desire.
Please note, these mesh layers are not 100% skin tight. The reason for this is, that I want to avoid possible clipping, no matter what kind of head shape you may have.
And yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Thanks for reading!
Enjoy~ ♥