Thanks for your interest
Please read this carefully in case you encounter any problems or questions! And also check out the preview pics!
These layers are rigged to fit the Utilizator M4 Head series! (at the time of typing this up, there are four of them out: Anime, Venus, Chibi and Mars!)
Please do NOT try to use the rigged versions on any other head, because they will 99% of the time not work!
Since these are rigged, they will move with your face shape sliders. So, depending on your personal shape, the layer may look different than the ones from the preview pictures. I have modeled all of these to the default shapes the heads come with, so any sliders you might have used for the head area, might make the them look different!
I made these so people can stop being stuck using only one specific skin mod just to have some cute markings on their cheeks. The markings are white, so you can recolor them to whichever color you desire. I have also included the UV maps, so you can add your own textures onto your cheeks or do whatever you want with them.
Please note, these layers are not 100% skin tight. More like 95%. The reason for this is, that I want to avoid possible clipping, no matter what kind of head shape you may have.
And yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Thanks for reading!
Enjoy~ ♥
Amazing Face Tattoo
I love that the UVs and such are added in. I was able to make my own personalized markings for my kitsune. It makes it so that I don't have to have the same markings as everyone else! I recommend it to others when they ask about it. Nekotron has many of my fave accessories for the Kemono ^^
Very nice.
Really does remind me of the FFXIV race: Miqo'te. Hoping in the update there will be a M4 AnnieMay version for the markings.
Love it
I got it and I love it. can tint them too thru edit mode. but just make sure you are not wearing any freckles or extra blushes because the lower half wont be tintable; it will disappear. When i first had this problem the creator and staff was responsive and VERY helpful. So dont wear extra layers. thats not on the creator though that is with M4 heads; just friendly advice.
I'm so glad you made these, they go perfect with my new neko <3. It doesn't even conflict with my haro makeup layer \o/, cheers.