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Nocturnal Couture : Joliza - Bathing Suit - FATPACK

Nocturnal Couture : Joliza - Bathing Suit - FATPACK

Nocturnal Couture™ Rigged Joliza mesh bathing suit now comes in 12 Colors sold in single 8 colors or Fatpack that includes extra colors and new hud.

---------- [ Works with the following Mesh Bodies] -----------

Reborn Original - Juicy & Rolls, Rolls, and Mounds with Rolls
Legacy, Legacy Perky, Legacy Petite
Maitreya: Lara
Belleza: Venus, Freya, and Isis
Slink: Original Physique and Hourglass Physique

This item has been updated with a new accessory HUD.

• Items are sold as No Transfer and No Modify they're for all sales are final.


Noᴄᴛᴜʀɴᴀʟ Coᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ™ products are delivered in a unpacker, just wear to unpack do not rez.

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For more info about Nocturnal Couture
Visit https://linktr.ee/nocturnalcouture

(C) Copyright Noᴄᴛᴜʀɴᴀʟ Coᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ™

  • Fat Pack
  • Fitted for Maitreya Lara body.Legacy, Legacy Perky, Legacy Petite
  • Fitted for Belleza Venus, Freya, and Isis body
  • Fitted for SLink Original Physique, and Hourglass Physique body.
  • Reborn Original - Juicy & Rolls, Rolls, and Mounds with Rolls