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Non-Combat Sword Hold 01 - AO (Boxed) - M/C/NoT $1350

Non-Combat Sword Hold 01 - AO (Boxed) - M/C/NoT $1350
Non-Combat Sword Hold 01 - AO (Boxed) - M/C/NoT $1350
15 Reviews

5ifth Order Animation Array presents the

~Non-Combatant Sword Hold 01~ Animation Overrider.

The N-CSwd 01 AO is for chillin with your steel, without the annoying seppuku >:)P

The N-CSwd 01 AO comes with:

- (5) Stands, Turn Left & Right,

- Fly Up, Fly Down, Fly Slow, Fly and Hover

- Pre-Jump, Jump, Landing, Falling and Stand Up

- Sit, Sit Ground, Crouch

- Walk, Crouch Walk, and Run.

The N-CSwd 01 A.O. comes ready to wear with (23) anims and (2) A.O. notecards(*N-CSwd01 Anims - already active), and a blank *Default Anims notecard).

Available at 5ifth Order/5ifth Arms, Chartreuse (105, 38, 34) main location,
and other.

Average rating: full star full star full star half star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 28, 2011 by MacTavish McAndrews

I've spent thousands of $L on xstreet and marketplace since i started playing secondlife.. i've never rated or reviewed anything, but this product is so horrible i had to say something so that other customers don't fall for the pretty advert pic.

here's what's wrong with this product:

1. it's not an 'animation' overrider, it's a pose overrider.. every "animation" is a static pose
2. there is no way to mod the ao, and many of the "animations" are horrible and you'll want to take them out, deleting individual animations renders the entire ao useless, and it will stop animating you
3. the ao has no hud, it's a tiny mp3 player.. and when you click it you receive a notecard. there is no hud, no buttons, and no way to turn off/on, change animations, etc.

this is one of the worst purchases i ever made, this belongs in a freebie store… not the $1000L - $5000L bracket. Jonny Dusk, you robbed me of $1,350L.. if you think i'm just flaming your product i'm not, feel free to IM me in-game when you read this.. pirate

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L$ 1,350

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5ifth Order
Sold by: Jonny Dusk

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