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Nova Sergal Southerner masc

Nova Sergal Southerner masc

Parts Required:
Any BoM enabled body that uses SL-UV only.
The Skadi Sergal Avatar from Orange Nova: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Orange-Nova-Skadi-Sergal/5570618
The Psicorp Sergal (Any color) for a bento Tail: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PsiCorp-Sergal-Kit-White/14717837
Alternatively when unpacking the Skadi Sergal it will inform you that it comes with a bunch of unrigged parts. The unrigged Skadi Sergal tail may also work for you.
A BOM neck fluff to hide the inevitable gap: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NS-rigged-torso-fluff-BOM/21223976
Another neck fluff: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NS-BOM-neck-poof-UNRIGGEDRIGGED/21413775