Only 1 Prim for all 5 Paintings!!!
Stunning quality at 1024 x 512 crisp details set in to a 8M x 4M Prim. Can be resized to fit your needs to with in prim limits.
~~*~~Beautiful Wall Art By KaVaNa~~*~~
She (Kavana Riddler ) also dose custom work,
just send a notecard with request.
**if you have the images already send them in the note card**
(HOWTO: Just drag the image over to a new note card and drop)
** if the image is on the internet all i need is a link like to photobucket ect...
Great for couples, weddings, friends, homes, or just plain portraits.
Looks amazing on the wall
I absolutely love how this looks on the wall in my home. So detailed and the color is so rich. Feels like you can smell the rose in the room.
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