G General

!O: Teacup Piglet Gatcha [Original E]

!O: Teacup Piglet Gatcha [Original E]

Item: !O: Teacup Piglet Gatcha [Original A]
Collection: Tea Cup Piglets
Event: The Arcarde

Please remember:
⇾ I am note the creator of this Item. This is a Gachaitem.
⇾ If you have any issues with this Object - contact the Creator!
⇾ PLEASE: Make sure you are online and not busy or "away" when you purchase this item.
(This can block your delivery, and no copy, no mod items are not possible to redeliver!)
⇾ No Refunds.

Visit my Gachashop Inworld! There are always some Gifts around!
⇾ Also a Monthly Gift !
⇾ Join the Group and collect the freebies, you are also allowed to trade or to advertise your
Gachaitems in the Group! (ONLY GACHASTUFF)
Taxi: New Store LM!
Blog: http://gachasl.tumblr.com/ ( there you can see what i am selling right now)
♥ Thanks ♥