::OBD::Luca Complete Outfit Black

.♥. OBSIDIAN by Denise .♥.
Gracias por tu compra!! Espero que disfrutes mis creaciones cualquier duda o consulta no dudes en enviarme notecard o IM te respondere a la brevedad-
Asegurate de unirte a OBSIDIAN group para estar al dia en ofertas REGALOS y nuevos lanzamientos!
❇2 Shirt options
❇2 Tie options
❇With tiny modifications the outfit can be used with some mesh bodies. The model is using Adam
Thank you for your buying! I hope you enjoy my new creations
Any question or doubt feel free to send IM or Notecard i will answer ASAP
Enjoy! .♥.Denise.♥.
See item in Second LifeL$ 99
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- User Licensed