G General

O.F Speeder M-106 (Indy, 6seats)

O.F Speeder M-106 (Indy, 6seats)

!! The price goes down !!

O.F Speeder M-106 is hovering type of aircraft with the rocket motor which changes
the angle according to the state of the flight.
Because it is lighter than air, it doesn't crash, and the beginner can control easily.
Please enjoy the DEMO in in.world shop.

* Features
 Hover type of full-physical movement script
 Dynamic rotating rocket engine
   The rocket rotates according to your operation.
 6 x Drivable Seats - Owner can control it from any seat.
 4 Speed transmission (Slow, Medium, Fast, Crazy)
 2 Camera mode (Smooth / Fixed)

* Key Assignment
 W or up arrow : go forward
 S or down arrow : go back
 shift+A or shift+left arrow : left slide
 shift+D or shift+right arrow : right slide
 E or PgUp : go up
 C or PgDn : go down
 A or left arrow : turn left
 D or right arrow : turn right

* Dialog Menu
 The following menu dialog appears when you touch Speeder's airframe.
 Help : Show online help
 Reset : Reset system
 Speed : Show speed transmision sub-menu
 Camera : Show camera mode sub-menu
 Beacon : Show the beacon effect sub menu
  Blink (default) : Switch to blinking light
  Smoke : Switch to emitting color smoke
  Off : Disable beacon effect
 Bang! : Explode itself after 10 secs

Orange Forest Blog (ENG)

Please contact to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have questions, claims, delivering problem. Thank you.

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