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[OO] SL in a box! - The ultimate toolkit of every creator - FULL PERMS!

[OO] SL in a box! - The ultimate toolkit of every creator - FULL PERMS!

Become a creator today!

This box contains almost everything what you will ever need for creating, except the secret ingredient, which is your own creativity. Please notice: Though it copies other, professional designer's exact way of creation, it is NOT a copybot! Read my legal notes below!*

How to use it? Rez the box, copy it's contents into your inventory, and start exploring the wide range of options and the *infinite* possibilities of this package: the magic of these mysterious and carefully designed creation modules.


- The Cube
- The Sphere
- The Cylinder
- The Torus
- The Tube
- The Prism
- The Ring
- The Sculpt (with extra smoothness!)
- The Script (for advanced users)
- The Texture (use this very carefully!)
- The Notecard (fully modifyable!)
- The Sound (for complex creations)
- The Landmark (well, my personal favorite)

- Very low prim design (One single prim each!)
- Extremely low lag!
- Virtually infinite possibilities!
- FREE lifetime upgrades!
- Given away for FREE and with FULL PERMISSIONS - and the rights for RESELL!
- A must have for every newbie and wannabe creator / builder!

*** Tested by the most successful content creators of Second Life! ***

Frequently Asked Questions:

- It seems to be suspicious. Is this a copybot?
- This is NOT a copybot and DOESN'T violate the ToS in any way.*

- But it was designed to copy other's way of creation.
- Yes, indeed. But it is NOT infringes anyone's intellectual property rights.*

- Is it allowed by the SL authorities?
- Yes of course. It is definitely NOT illegal.*

*95% of my items were created by using this set of tools. You can check them here:

Visit our main store and see the live demo here:

See item in Second Life
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in 2024 it becomes outdated
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 26, 2024 by Simeisa

waiting the PBR update ;P

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5 stars for an audacious sense of humor
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 25, 2019 by Tygraf

Honestly, this is one of the wittiest postings on the marketplace I've ever seen. The cheek of it all...

Seriously speaking though, these shapes are available in the same window you use to edit/modify anything you purchase. Just click the magic wand!

Also if you're really serious about creating stuff, learn Blender! Complex projects built with these shapes are soon limited by their land impact, which is a prime consideration of many enlightened and fastidious buyers.

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Still a must in 2019
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 10, 2019 by Apollo Scribe

I was sitting in a park and something was missing. Then I heard birds chirp around and it dawned on me. I have always just dreamt about purchasing the ultimate collection and never actually got to it. So on this day, in the park, with birds chirping around I took the time to purchase and test and review. And now my SL life is complete. Thank you.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 21, 2015 by NakitaJade

creator take care in quality of creation

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 27, 2012 by Jaede Serenade

I can't get the square thingie, to go into the round thingie.. but umm other than that...
this kit was like stealing beer from a redneck, what a deal!!!

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12 Gabillion Google Stars
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 16, 2012 by Danielle Idigo

I have searched SL for the best of all deals and this is it! Such fine wood craftsmanship such as I have never seen before.
I have to admit to a horrible error on my part though. I discolored one object from this jewel of a collection. I can only hope the designer will send me a replacement texture so that it may be repared.
Ya think?

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