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OPQ Evergreen Tree 01c with Planter 11

OPQ Evergreen Tree 01c with Planter 11

From the ever growing series of quality mesh plant with planters from OPQ. You can find a complete catalog at https://www.flickr.com/photos/121871163@N02/albums/72157690868126592
Reviews and feedback
At OPQ we take pride in delivering the highest possible quality products for Second Life. Mistakes do happen though and if you feel what you bought doesn't fit the description or what you should expect, please contact ChinRey Resident or TessJL Resident and we will try our best to correct any mistakes we may have made.
If you don't receive anything at all, it's because of some error in the Marketplace software and out of our control. But it's easy to correct. Just give us the order no. and the date of purchase and we'll send you a copy of the package.
If you like what you bought, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! :-)

See item in Second Life
  • Low lag
  • Low land impact
  • LOD resistant