A chest of drawers made from a single prim. You may think prim furniture like this is a thing of the past but combine a price tag and a prim count as low as you can possibly go with OPQ's usual attention to detail and quality and you get a great item to fill up your Second Life home with lovely details.
You should look at the photo before buying though: what you get is exactly what you see, nothing more and nothing less.
Modifying the Drawers
The OPQ Smokey Drawers is fully modifiable. That means you can resize it to any size you like (either manually or with the enclosed MBAGR resizer script) and change the textures to anything you like.
Modifiable also means it can be linked to other items, a great way to reduce your land impact and to easier manage your items. It will add a maximum of 0.5 to a linkset's land impact - often even less. A notecard with easy instructions how to link items is included in case you haven't done it before. (Important note: some old style prim and sculpt items may misbehave when linked to modern items like this, causing the land impact to skyrocket. All OPQ products are safe to link but we can not take responsibility for problems caused by items made by others. We do include a notecard with some tips how to fix the problem if it occurs though.)
Technical data
+ Land Impact: ("Prim Count"): 1
+ Download Weight: 0.1
+ Physical Weight: 0.1
+ Server Weight: 0.5
+ Render Weight: 729
+ Default Depth: 0.5 m
+ Default Width: 0.6 m/1.2 m
+ Default Height: 0.9 m
+ Material: Prim
This item is made from a single prim. Even in this age of mesh, the good old prim can still be the best material for an item.
This item uses bump maps and/or normal maps for additional 3D effects. These maps can be very effective and are used a lot in games and other tihtly controlled 3D environments. But they are a bit unpredictable in a world as dynamic as Second Life since their effect depends on various graphics settings in the viewer, windlight etc. When they work, they are great, when they don't, they can be a real nuisance. A copy of Bel's Normal Map Killer is included so you can easily remove the maps if they are causing you problems.
About the Smokey Series
OPQ Smokey is a series of one prim furniture in a late 20th Century style. It comes in four finishes, all based on cabinet front textures from Smokey Newman of SND Textures with various additional textures by other creators for the sides, back, top and bottom of the cabinets. The side tables only use those additional textures, none of Smokey Newman's.
The available finishes are:
+ Black 1
+ Black 3
+ Teak
+ White
Only the teak finish texture has both a drawer and a cabinet door so two of the models are only available in that finish.
All OPQ products are:
+ Copyable
+ Modifiable
+ Made in Second Life for Second Life
+ Made to look good with all standard graphics settings
+ Low LI
+ LOD resistant
+ Low lag
Terms and Conditions
The OPQ Smokey Drawers is sold with copy/modify permissions. That means you have permission to use in Second Life as many modified and unmodified copies as you like for your own personal use and as parts of public and rental builds owned by you or a group where you are one of the owners. You also have permission to keep as many copies as you like in your inventory. You do *not* have permission to distribute it in any way (This includes rezzing copies of the item on other people's land for other people's use!) or use it in any way outside Second Life.
Reviews and feedback
At OPQ we take pride in delivering the highest possible quality products for Second Life. Mistakes do happen though and if you feel what you bought doesn't fit the description or what you should expect, please contact ChinRey Resident or Jazz021 Resident and we will try our best to correct any mistakes we may have made.
If you don't receive anything at all, it's because of some error in the Marketplace software and out of our control. But it's easy to correct. Just give us the order no. and the date of purchase and we'll send you a copy of the package.
If you like what you bought, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! ^_^
- 1 prim