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Welcome and thanks for visiting our store Tiffany's Collection... A Life Style!
A beautiful and sophisticated Rattan table, supremely suitable for warm and tropical, yet elegant settings.

The rattan derives from some six hundred species of climbing palms of the Calamoideae subfamily, mainly of the genus Calamus (from the Greek calamos in reference to the fact that the stem looks like a stick), which share the fact that they are very thin-stemmed plants (a few millimeters about 10 cm in diameter) and thorny, semi-climbing or supporting habit, in this way climbs tens of meters to the canopy of the Old World rain forests. This habit is associated with the characteristics of its stem, which resists little pressure but is very elastic. They are usually extracted almost exclusively from nature, from established tree jungles that the rattan uses as a support.

They are harvested when the woody sector of the stem already has at least 10 or 20 meters, specimens with thin stems and those with good diameter peeled into strips are used for braiding in basketry and furniture, similar to wicker, and the stems of Larger integer, cylindrical diameters are selected for making canes, carpet shaking sticks, martial arts weapons and percussion musical instrument sticks, due to their elasticity that absorbs shocks well and prevents them from breaking so easily when crashing like wooden poles. They can also be used as a substitute for wood or bamboo, after a heating technique they can be molded by bending instead of having to cut them, which is part of the style of making many rattan furniture. All ratans are confined to the Old World tropics, there are no real ratans in the New World 90% of commercial rattan rods come from Indonesia.

Since the 1970s, wild rattan has declined due to habitat loss and overharvest.
* Realistic MESH piece
* Steamy food... it is hot!... be careful!
* Scripted but cause not lag at all
* Does not distort at the distance