::FYI:: NEKO Mistress Belts Outfit
This outfit includes:
- Belts (Jacket Layer)
- Flutter Wraps top ( Shirt Layer)
- Flutter Bootie Jeans
- Upper arm (Left and Right)
- Cuffs ( Left and Right)
- Boomers ( Left and Right, upper and lower)
- a butterfly that sits on your lips ( inspiration silence of the lambs)
- Mr.TopHat Tail ( fully scripted with twitch and clickable -lock, unlock-capabilities.
- Waist belts ( interchangeable with the tail )
Also available in Pink and White. Please be on the look out for the Flutter Wrap Top available in multiple colours.I also have a group made. Im me or drop me a notecard for a group tag.
In this new group, freebies are given out from time to time and updates will be send out.
If there are any questions please feel free to im me in world or leave me a notecard. Custom colours and script edits are free of charge. ( Conditions may apply, im or give me a notecard for special customs BEFORE purchase) Also visit me at a temporary location for items not available on xstreet items displayed here on xstreet are also on display on Sl ^_^MRA MARKET ( SLURL : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rhythm/170/233/43 )
For Further info please visit my Blog and leave comments, Please ^_^ [http://fyinglewood.blogspot.com/]
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