This Is a system - of dances and costumes. Includes a line dance show system with 5 balls for 1 to 5 dancers, where the dancers sync together. The show dance system has a number of animations that are designed to work one after another. It also comes with 10 costumes that you can hand out to dancers, keeping an 11th for yourself. Those costumes include some options for the grass skirt, bra, and underpants. They also include a 68 prim lei that is complex in order to add realism, and also a choice of 4 colors of flowers to wear behind your ear. And yes, for that last item, you can also select right or left ear.
PERMISSIONS - since there are multiple items inside, we modified the permissions for different items. The dance balls we feel that you would keep, and as such you can copy it for multiple usages, or give you cover in case you delete it and lose it somehow. The costumes on the other hand are no-copy, but you can transfer them. That allows you to hand out costumes to dancers.
Note that we did include a video below if you are interested. It is a large AVI file and may take a minute or two to load. But even at that size, we admit we struggled to try and get it to keep up with the animation - and it did not always - particularly in the hip shaking scenes :). But, it should give you an idea.
Some details below:
DESCRIPTION - Includes an animation set of 5 dance balls linked together that have Hula animations stored within them. So you can have between 1 and 5 hula dancers. It also includes 10 costumes that can be handed out to dancers , and they include options for grass skirts, bras, and underpants. The grass skirt option is for a totally opaque one and one that is semi-transparent. The bras vary mostly by color, with one being a green with a print, and the other being somewhat semi-transparent with a more pink-red theme. The underpants are both semi- transparent for realism, but one adds an opaque crotch for modesty. A lei is also provided that is 68 prims each that is complex for realism. Of course since it is worn, it does not simply add 68 prims to the location, but acts more like prim hair or jewelry.
Also each costume includes a selection of rose choices to wear behind the ear if you wish. The color varieties for the reuses include white, yellow, pink and red, and wear options include options for right and left ears. We are not expert at this, but we do believe a flower on the right ear usually means the lady is single, and one on the left ear means they are spoken for. All costumes are non-copy, but can be transferred so you of course can give costumes to others.
We may also include a single bamboo looking platform if you wish for a base for the dancers to be upon. You can of course modify that platform, or simply use your own stage area.
ANIMATION BALL SETUP - These should be copy able just in case you have an issue on setup, or in fact could have two show stages. Easy to use. Just set up. You might want one typical height dancer to use it so you can edit it and adjust the height. The side with three balls (one which is gold in color) should be facing stage front. Note that after a dancer joins, they just may sway for a bit until the next sync pulse arrives, which should be 14 seconds or less. 10 animations are installed in the dance balls, some 7 seconds long, some 13 or 14 seconds long, and all should sync every new segment, as long of course as the dancers do not otherwise move and SL is having a good day :). The whole animation sequence is approximately 90 seconds long. The main animation control is within the gold ball, but that gold ball need not be one of the balls you use if you do not want to. For example, if all other four balls were to be used except the gold ball, the gold ball still sends instructions to other four to keep them in sync.
COSTUMES - These come in gift boxes that you can hand out. 10 in total that are transferable and that you can hand out to dancers - and keep one or more for yourself. If you for some reason need another costume, look first to see if we are selling the same item in our costumes department under "grass skirt". This may help save you some money if you need more costumes.
- Hunter Bronet for OnP, Owl and Pussycat in Tissela and on SL Marketplace
- Show Dance system for up to 5 show dancers
- Costumes included that can be given out
- Costumes give options
- Sync signals every 14 seconds or less
- Our third version ... much learning over years