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Mitsuko Kytori Box First True Tree with Wind S5 tf-10 Versão Hayabusa Design Box Tree NG M1 2015 TS

Mitsuko Kytori Box First True Tree with Wind S5 tf-10

Hayabusa Design Present : Feel the Nature with Wind, with Life.

Next Generation of Trees : Editable and Customizable Trees !

Prepare yourself to see true and smooth Wind Effect in Tree Mesh. A true Visual Revolution on Second Life !
But not only, now you can deeply modify mesh tree, more you can create your own tree deriving from the models provided !

Take your time, please, imagine what you can create with this tree: a tree that is against the wall of a house without going through a tree that decorates an interior courtyard with no incoming branch in the house, or a forest of trees where all the trees are different.

Exclusive Technology of Hayabusa Design / 3D&Dreams Software.

With no compromise about texture quality, no compromise about lag, zero lag warranty, no compromise about accuracy of the botanical geometry !!!
No compromise, we promise.

Documentation : http://hayabusadesign.blogspot.fr/2015/01/blog-post.html

---> More : a menu let you control speed and amplitude of the Wind.And to choice the foliage texture.
---> The prim cost depends, of course, of what you will do with this Customizable tree, but 5 prims is the beginning to create a nice one.
---> All trees on pictures have been created coming from the original model.

NB : Video show many trees with wind effect come from Hayabusa Design Store, the video Not show what this box contains. This box contains one tree with wind effect.
See pictures to see the tree shape and geometry.
The best way is to come on the store to see the Wind effect in action, please.

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Purchasing this item means that you agree to abide by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree or feel that you cannot comply, you must delete them and retain no copies of them. Violations of the license will be reported to Linden Labs under the American DMCA Copyright Act.
Reference : http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php

Veja o item no Second Life Visualizar vídeo »
  • True Wind Effect on Mesh Tree, natural wind effet
  • Menu to adjust speed and amplitude and natural effect
  • High resolution texture, foliage choice
  • Zero lag warranty, all seasons functions
  • Modify main tree or examples or even Create your own tree from scratch
Classificação média: estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia
  • 5 estrela(s):
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Now you can get advanced trees just the way you want them!
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 15/10/2023 por Serjourn Daxter

Need a tree that has branches spreading out 10 meters - and a central trunk that is 10 meters tall - well now you can stop searching - and just make it! Symetrical, asymetrical trees, wide, tall, small - it is all there for you to chose. Great kit. And trees from Mitsuko are anyhow almost pieces of art!

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estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 23/07/2019 por SinAlma Allen

I have to test all the items in the kit, which is very complete, but for now I want to say that what I have seen it`s incredible because of the many possibilities and by adding the seasonal option, it makes it possible. There are three kits, this is the classical. Good work and with the quality as always of this brand

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Great looking
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 20/04/2016 por Bolera

Best trees in SL, love it, good Job

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