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Open-Source Union Micro Vendor

Open-Source Union Micro Vendor

This product as now an almost-freebie at L$1!
As such, I no longer offer technical support for this product.

This vendor is based off of the Multiauthor Multivendor by Apotheus Silverman. It is fully modifiable in all ways, from the prims to the scripts. I've added an On/Off button to the front of it, a notecard giver, and a new shape. This vendor is quite large, it's ideal for small vehicles, although it can be shrunk down.

Since this is free/open-source, I offer no support on it.

Be sure to check out our other items! We specialize in elevators and also offer a few other vendor products as well as a JVA Bot plugin for hippoVEND. We have a wide assortment of products available including club equipment, prefabs, merchant/shop tools, lighting, HUDs, you name it!


  • Open-source
  • Holo vending
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OMG PERFECT~ how? for 1 linden ?!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 08, 2022 by Dot Dakota

thank you so so so very much this is perfect! had it running within a few minutes
<3 WAY better than some other brands that over complicate things

thank you thank you no customer support needed, this is a perfect vendor

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 16, 2009 by Sidney Arctor

Brilliant product. After a bit of re texturing, it fitted in perfectly in my garage, where it has been selling my cars for months. I'm now no longer poor. thanks.

The scripts are open source, I personally won't trust my money permissions with a vendor that isn't open source.

The only down side is it is a little chatty when touched, it tends or repeat hte same line.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 04, 2008 by Dakota Meriman

I got this, but I'll stick with my JEVN.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 05, 2006 by Cherry Asturias

lol its a nice item and i would get this before paying the thousands that i see many wanting of which i have paid up to 5000 for something on this order and the creator of it was a friend of mine nice enough to give me back my money which is EXTREMELY rare in here lol and he gave it back to me cuz these things are a pain in the arse lol requires much patience and too for sure like is stated about this if you have smaller parts linked be prepared to do some extra work in resizing them. This is nice and yes by all means get this and work with it before paying any 5000 for one cuz no matter what the price, unless these things can set themself up to auto downsize your stuff lolol it aint worth the trouble as far as i am concerned lmao ... i dont care if i never sell one item i aint workin my butt off to no end to make a measley few lindens lololololol

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