Introducing Multi-Materials from Otherworld! Giving you total control and a vast amount of customization options, this new PBR concept opens up a huge array of creative possibilities.
Choose from one of the 18 provided examples as a jumping off point or roll your own and dream up something that I didn't! With options to create very efficient "true" PBR textures, or a hybrid style which uses combined AO and noise in the colour channel to make up for some of the shortcomings in Second Life's current lighting model and create additional effects. This pack is designed to give you maximum flexibility.
With the textures and example materials included, you can create a near endless amount of surface styles covering metal, stone, plastic, wood, glass, ceramics and more! Perfect for any object that can accept seamless textures.
Each pack contains:
*18 easy to customize Material pre-sets - 5 Metal, 4 Wallpaper, 2 Glass, 2 Wood, Concrete, Porcelain, Marble, Concrete & Stone.
*8 seamless 1024 noise maps
*3 Patterned seamless 2048 Normal maps - Strong, Regular & Light intensity.
*2 1024 seamless AO maps - Light & Dark
*8 1024 Patterned seamless AO + Noise maps
*1 White 128x128 ORM map.
*1 Example board containing all the materials.
It is important to note that lighting conditions and nearby objects can drastically alter how some PBR materials will look. All screenshots have been taken at midday, under a reflection probe in an empty region 100m above ground level to give the most neutral reading. Please remember if one of the pre-sets does not look quite right under your lighting conditions, this is to be expected and you can change and play with every available parameter in-world. They are merely intended as a jumping off point for you.
I have divided the set into two unpackers for your convenience. There are a lot of maps and materials so keeping them in separate folders is best. You can always nest one inside the other after unpacking.
Full instructions and tips are also included with the README of each set.
Full perm textures may not be distributed separately or in any combination or perm combination as supplied. You may use them in your building projects and distribute the relevant textures with your builds, but the textures must be Copy/Mod only.
You may download them and use them to generate other textures and artistic works in external programs. Provided the resulting textures are sufficiently different/changed from the source, you may do as you wish with them. Credit/attribution is appreciated if possible.