UPDATED!! 10/10/22 (Hud info in folder)
VonFyrsten 529 Underworld Outfit MAITREYA Petite KUPRA Kups LEGACY Perky REBORN ERIKA Apparel Clothes Woman's Boots Heels Dress Lingerie
NOTE!!! Compatible with MAZE Soft Thighs ( Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn & Kupra ) & Squeeze ( Erika ).
100% Mesh
Materials Enabled
Outfit is: Boots & Dress (Halloween theme)
FAT PACK, MEGA COLOR & TEXTURE HUD More styles. Boots & Dress can be worn separately
Color HUDs supports all faces
♥ Fitted Mesh for Maitreya Lara + Petite
♥ Fitted Mesh for TMP + Legacy + Perky
♥ Fitted Mesh for Inithium + Kupra
♥ Fitted Mesh for Kalhene + Erika
♥ Fitted Mesh for Ebody + Reborn
Requires Mesh Enabled Viewer.
If you have issues , please send NC to Vonfyrsten we be happy to help you.
Thank you :-)
- 529 Underworld Outfit MAITREYA Petite KUPRA Kups LEGACY Perky REBORN ERIKA Appar