With 6 poses menu a wonderful relaxing pillows dock/pontoon for Outside Sim. Includes the 2 fire brasiers.
You can sit by clicking on the carpet and then click again to change poses, when you standup you will appear back in sim borders.
Make sure you rezz the offsim item on your land then move it slowly out over sim border making sure the last part (root-prim) stays within the sim border. If you go too far the item will go off world and re-appear in your lost and found folder. Make sure you dont move it over your neighbours land or property.
Can be set inside sim borders , halfway out the sim , or full outside the sim
No copy /no mod version.
***If you have any problems with any of my products, or in placing them, then please IM me in-world or drop a notecard in my profile, I promise I will get back to you ASAP.***
Dont forget to check out other items by Craigus Writer and myself some as low as L$1 even an outside sim offsim item!
Landscaping and terraforming available at reasonable rates.