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Outy's Pilot AutoPoofer Script v1.2 (Source Viewable) Version 1.2

Outy's Pilot AutoPoofer Script v1.2 (Source Viewable)

No fancy bells or whistles. Just the source code to my Pilot AutoPoofer which poofs on command and on teleportation.

Pilot AutoPoofer v1.2
by Outy Banjo


Well, it's not possible to dictate usage of source viewable scripts such as this since they can and will be broken up and redestributed as the current owner sees fit, not to mention this isn't exactly proprietary technology.*

However, the one stipulation is that you cannot sell or otherwise redistribute this script as a competing product. Meaning, offering this script for sale(Or free) as it is or by itself.

Example 1: You use this script to make poofers that you sell. This is ok.

Example 2: "Hey, do you have a poofer script?" "Sure. Here you go." This is NOT ok.

Example 3: You resell the script by itself or offer it as a freebie. This is NOT ok.

So, hrmm, enjoy! But don't ask Outy Banjo for help! This is the source code to my Pilot AutoPoofer. No guarantees are promised beyond that.

*Names and terms "Outy Banjo" and "Pilot AutoPoofer" as well as "Outy of the TURs" and the TUR Emblem are Copyright, Mark Shakocius.

2005-2007, Outy's Particle Paradise - Better Living Through Particles

This item is also available in-world for purchase at:
O Scripting - Epione (141, 105, 80)
Outy Banjo Demo Area, SandyBeach West (30, 68, 22)

See item in Second Life
  • Create your own poofers
  • Commercially licensed
  • Source-Viewable!
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Perfect! ♥
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 26, 2023 by Ariana Starlight

After struggling and fighting to get this working, the creator reached out to assist and pass along an in-depth instruction manual! Thank you very much! ♥

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