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[P.0.E] - Cabal Trenchcoat (Demo) Version 1.1

[P.0.E] - Cabal Trenchcoat (Demo)
[P.0.E] - Cabal Trenchcoat (Demo)
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Thank you for your interest in our product!

*This item was originally available in the Engine Room event, located here:!*

This Victorian-style trenchcoat comes with a suit jacket, pants, bento-rigged gloves, and formal shoes! Each is fitted to the Geralt, Gianni, Jake, Kuroo, and male Slink body.

A color changing HUD is included, which also allows for the embroidery to be colored or turned on/off.

Four different button patterns are available on the HUD, and you may choose between gold or silver versions. Materials must be enabled to see them properly!

The tie, shirt, vest are colorable separately, and accept custom color inputs. Simply select one of their buttons in Build Mode and recolor it to make a new color preset; the script reads the HUD button colors! Note that the tie button also holds specular data, for more advanced users!

Before modifying your product, we highly suggest that you save a copy of the coat and/or crate, so that you may retain an original copy, should an error occur.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to message Darksider Alex!

- Process of Elimination team

Flickr Gallery:

Darksider Alex - Model, Texture, Scripting
Tiridates Mikadze - Concept Art, Patterns

  • 100% Mesh
  • Textures and Mesh are modifiable and adjustable
  • Materials enabled
  • All colors included via HUD
  • Multiple fit variants

L$ 0

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//: Process of Elimination :\\
Sold by: Darksider Alex

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Mesh Avatars
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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh, Fitted Mesh