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P3D ADAs Painted Fantasy Garden Jewel Toned Gerber Daisies 2 Version 1

P3D ADAs Painted Fantasy Garden Jewel Toned Gerber Daisies 2

12 soft, muted, jewel toned daisy arrangements. These are perfect for bouquets, pots or bedding. A great addition to any landscaper or florists library. Plant them for yourself. These would look great in any greenhouse! Be sure to grab both sets available!

These textures are not to be resold, redistributed, given away, downloaded to your PC, or used in any other Virtual World other than Second Life without appropriate licensing. Please refer to the license included in the package for more details.

512x512 to better facilitate sim efficiency, particularly homesteads

We do offer a cross grid licensing for this set of maps/textures. Most cross grid and extended/professional license textures are larger (than 512) resolution for ease of uploading in the metaverse.

Please contact us at info@panther3d.com for details, availability, and pricing.


Ada & Toni

See item in Second Life
  • Original
  • Quality
  • Unique
  • Flexible