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PFC~A fur Version 1.0

PFC~A fur

Hello, thank you for your interest on this fur

there is a free demo available in world

This was originally meant to be part of a bigger build but the clipping of the other pieces made me discard them and let it be just another shoulders fur.

It comes in 12 different textures, rigged and not. The rigged sizes include one that is close to the skin and another that floats ~1 inch away from it in order to wear it on top of outfits.

rigged sizes:
- Gianni
- Jake
- Legacy
- Aesthetic
- Kario

- Lara
- Legacy
- Freya
- Kupra
- Reborn
- Nana

thats all! thank you for reading
Pucca Firecaster

See item in Second Life