Hello, thank you for your interest in this pauldrons
Angel pauldrons are stretchable, not rigged, you can do so manually (because they are mod) or by script
The texture hud allows you to change the main plate or the feathers in 6 different metals
Thats all
Pucca Firecaster
Yep, worth a buy
The textures they come with are great and they are mod so you can tint them if you want to. SylviaFoxfire gave a review below, and she and I actually roleplayed on the same sim before, so I saw her wear them and asked her about them lol. I grabbed them for myself and I'm very happy. They sit neatly on your shoulders, they're easy to move and edit, and they look really well. I'm impressed. Glad I grabbed them.
Wow, these wings are a piece of art. Love the mesh, love the textures, love the design, and since it's modifiable you can do as the previous reviewer suggested (tint it) or you can combine them to make one attachment. For me, just like the other work I've seen from this creator, they are absolutely perfect... thank you, Pucca Firecaster! =)
Look great, easy to mod
The textures that come with these look well, nice and realistic. I needed something more colourful, so I bought these hoping I could mod them. I used the HUD to set the metal and feathers to white, and then tinted the faces I wanted it worked like a charm. There's two faces on the metal part of each pauldron, and six faces for the feathers each side. I was able to tint the feathers to match my dresses and the metal to match my accessories. The ONLY flaw is the pauldrons attach to the spine, so some poses make your shoulders glitch through. You can resize and reposition to prevent this though, it just takes a bit of fiddling. Well worth buying.