Hello, thank you for your interest in this outfit
Wild is a fur set of bra and loincloth for savage girls
It includes a bra, a loincloth and liana-made wraps for forearms, arms, thighs and belt.
By hud you can change the fur, leather and lianas.
· Slink (hourglass and physique)
· Belleza (venus, freya, isis, for natural and pushup)
· Maitreya lara (including petite)
· Dev Nana
· Legacy (including perky)
· Ebody Reborn (+mounds)
· Inithium Kupra
update 1.1 : Added rigged version fitting slink physique and hourglass (demo in world)
update 1.2 : Added rigged version for belleza (venus, freya, isis) and maitreya lara
update 1.3 : Added Dev Nana rigged version
update 1.4 : Added Legacy, legacy perky, lara petite and extra colors for the lianas that now are included in the hud. Also rigged all of the little accesories that were previously resizable.
update 1.5: Added Reborn and Kupra sizes
update 1.6: Added Reborn Mounds add-on
thats all!
Pucca Firecaster
great work and support
well, i never wrote an review, i use this outfit for my RP ... but now i saw it was updated to few other bodies. So it is not died. Love it, thanks for keeping it alive and updating! great work. can only recommend it :)
Very good work dude!! nice visuals. Everything fits, no clipping even with physics.
I thrive for these skimpy jungle cloths,so beautiful
As a tribal Sister,wearing skimpy jungle cloths like PFC~Wild,is like eye candy to show our sexy body and we should never feel any shame about it displaying our beauty on public,we Sisters should never have any shame of our body no matter our shape or size,for we are all tribal Diva Goddesses and should stand proud of how we look with great pride,our body is like a temple that should be worshipped of our beauty,not as a sexual object for a easy romp in the furs,be proud of your looks Sisters,kwa heri. Hugs <333333
PFC Wild
Great outfit for roleplay
wish it had extra war paint choices for face
But, it can be worn without the face paint.
Very fun addition to my wardrobe!
Very Beautiful!!!
Very beautiful outfit, customizable and perfect for Dev Nana. Thank you :)