During the Renaissance eras, history tells us of wizards the traditional role is portrayed as prophet, visionary and master of nature’s elements. Wizards are depicted in stories as an alchemist, they are also seen as keepers of secret knowledge and seekers of arcane knowledge and truth, who share that knowledge with their responsible apprentices in order to pass on that precious knowledge they have acquired. They are feared for their power that comes from that knowledge, and revered for their ability with things that others cannot readily understand. They keep alive their 'knowledge trust' for future generations to benefit the community they serve...and they are truly guardians of human ingenuity, and protectors of practical wisdom.
Package Summary
4 Variations Including >> Stone Texture >> Cracked Stone Texture >> With Base >> Without Base
He driven with a menu that contains the following feature:
>> Prim Scale Resizer
>> Position Changer
>> Rotation Changer
>> Transparency(Alpha, Visibility, Show/Hide) Changer
>> Glow Changer
>> Full Bright Changer
>> Revert function.
>> Menu On/Off function for End User.
See item in Second Life