SPECIAL Limited Time PROMO only $750
This is an actual rock / wall climbing *GAME*
• you don't just click and watch an animation simulate climbing up a wall
• Click "Watch it in Action" (up above, below the picture) to see a short GIF
• Click "View Video" (at bottom of this page) to see a full YouTube Video.
1) Click bottom base to start (avatar moves to stand there)
2) Click "hand hold" rock
••• above shoulder to prepare to climb, or
• beside you to step sideways,
3) Click "foot step" rock
• above your foot to climb up
••• beside your foot to step sideways
••• below your foot to climb down
4) WARNING: Step too far or without a good hand hold and your avatar falls
5) At the top, you click the coiled rope to slide back down
• Click "View Video" (at bottom of this page) to see this item in action (on a full YouTube Video.)
• Click "Watch it in Action" (up above, below the picture) to see a short GIF
There is a config menu that the owner (or an appointed admin) can click to:
• change wall or rock textures (including of of your own)
• change wall or rock tint (color, including random colors)
• change the grip vs slipperyness of the rocks (to make it harder)
• change the wall transparency (to help overlay an existing structure)
• show / hide the messages saying why you fell
• show / hide the times for climbs (for a competition)
We supply 3 walls: #NEW# 4th TALL wall !!
• LEARNER (a simple set of horizontal +vertical rocks)
• EASY (an up+sideways+up path to be climbed)
• ADVANCED (a large complicated path to climb)
••• Owner can make it DIFFICULT by setting random grip to < 100%
• HARD TALL (#NEW# double height advanced wall)
• The owner can enable the display of In Progress climbing time
••• Which includes a hover text list of the 10 "Best Times"
••••• Owner can clear the list, and then run a competition
••• Or "Best Times" list can just be left on, to encourage on going play.
• Each wall is MODIFY so *BUILDERS* can SLIGHTLY modify it
••••• but this is NOT trivial, and is only suitable for experienced builders
••••• builders cannot simply stretch or shrink it, they need to keep rock spacing unchanged
••••• builders can change rock texture and/or colors and/or the wall texture of color
••••• scripts are no modify (as are most Second Life product scripts).
Come see it inworld and try it. We are not responsible for any bones you may break if you fall :))
- Avatars must actually CLIMB (not just fixed animation)
- Click rock to hold with hand, click rock to step foot
- Step too far or without good hand hold and avatar falls
- 3 walls (Learner, Easy, Advanced)
- Has a timed climb mode for competitions
I wasn't smart enough to figure this out, and I reached out to the maker and he got right back to me and now i understand it. Great service! Great product!
Something fun and novel
I bought this for a small amusement park in my sim, where it adds a different kind of activity to the typical set of rides. It's very easy to position since it isn't very deep and can be placed against a wall.
It's also a lot of fun. I've never tried wall climbing in RL and had a hard time with the beginner's wall in SL. (An alt, though, was able to climb it right off.) It's challenging and fun enough for people to keep trying. If you've LI to spare, you might position a stretcher in the vicinity....
Tip: I set the texture to "full bright," which makes the rocks stand out well.
Very Fun and Interesting
It was suggested i purchase this for an event im hosting and when i got it and tried it out, i was like "ooow" its so interactive and realistic!
Just what I needed!
The concept of this rock wall is just amazing and it's fun to play too! Just installed it and did some editing to make it blend with a rocky range. It's perfect! Thank you for making such a great product AND making it mod so it's completely usable for multiple landscapes! Incredible builders tool! You have my thanks!