*** PROMO *** Sakura White Outfit - Casual Lies :
Sakura White Outfit - Casual Lies includes:
- Mesh Tunic (5 sizes: *XS, *S, M, L, XL)
- Alpha Layer Tunic
- Necklace Pendant (resizable script)
- Oriental Hair Pins (resizable script)
- Socks
- Heels (resizable script)
- Alpha Layer Heels
- Base Shoes.
- Thong.
Viewer 2 users only or any other viewers which supports Alpha layer and Mesh.
Join the group and receive the promotions. Here: secondlife:///app/group/8da7e6ad-f2b2-b1d5-2053-46523fda8a9b/about
If you have any questions about this product Please send Notecard to lies Magic (no IM's)
•Website: http://sweetliesdesigns.blogspot.com.es/
•Facebook User: https://www.facebook.com/SweetLiesDesigns
•Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LiesFactoryGroup
•Email: sweet.lies.designs@gmail.com