G General

..::[P&W]::.. Mesh Buick Gs x Shell-Blue v 10.5 Versión 10.5

..::[P&W]::.. Mesh Buick Gs x Shell-Blue v 10.5

Important Note:
To use this car, you must use a viewer that supports Mesh.

The driving engine is very realistic with manual transmission, our driving is simulation, not arcade. The engine's tuning menu is one of the most advanced in Second life, we use our own system not recycled scripts. Constantly taking customer feedback to evolve our vehicles, keeping us ahead of the pack. Free Updates and our list of features make this the ultimate package.

If you have any questions pre-purchase or after sale, contact Beyaz Boxen.

We hope you will enjoy it and have a wonderful driving in SL.
Drive safely!

Thank you.

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