This natural sculpted birdbath is carved from a tree stump and is ideal for any forest, treehouse, or nature setting. With two seasonal texture modes, it will fit in any landscape at any time of year.
During the spring and summer, the water in the basin ripples at intervals and the vines which wrap gently around the stump are a vibrant green. In winter mode, the water freezes over and becomes ice, the stump is speckled with light snow, and the vines turn brown. You can control the seasonal change with a single click.
Included in the package is a copyable, colorful scripted tanager which you can place anywhere. The bird is fully animated, and will bob to drink, turn and look around, and occasionally emit a soft chirp. It is optimized to be placed on the edge of the bath where it will dip its beak into the water to drink, and then stand upright to look around. If you prefer, you can click the bird to turn off the animation and make it totally stationary.
The stump has an extra limb near the bottom where you can place another copy of the bird, or any other birds or animals you may have.
Copyable bird -- populate your forest!
The tanager is shipped in the package as an independent object, so you can copy as many as you want, place them anywhere you want, and populate your land with these lovely birds.
The tree stump birdbath and the bird are both copy/mod so you can make changes if you like. Only the scripts are locked.
- Natural sculpted wood stump birdbath with ripples, vines, and animated birds.
- Choose rippling water with spring vines or ice and snowy stump.
- Animated tanager drinks, bobs, chirps, and moves, or can be stationary.
- The colorful bird is copyable, so you can place as many as you like, anywhere.
- Perfect for woodlands, faery settings, forests, treehouses, or nature preserves.