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Palais Heremitage, a small palais and it's gardens in the french baroque style Version 1.0

Palais Heremitage, a small palais and it's gardens in the french baroque style

This is a small Palais in the style of the french baroque time. It has a manifique stair case, 4 rooms and a beautyfull garden with two pavilions. The building is created in a low prim technology, mixed with sculpts and convex hulls. It is packed in a Rez Box and easy to handle. The textures are unique and all hand made by Gaianed. This fine building is a absolutely "must have" for all friends of elegent living.

  • Low prim, Palais 51P, gardens and pavilions 31P
  • Realistic textures
  • Sculpts
  • Building
  • Rez Faux

L$ 1,250

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Mont Saint Bruno
Sold by: Gaianed

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Land Impact: 51