G General

Parallel Semaphore Signals (RYx3)

Parallel Semaphore Signals (RYx3)

This combination semaphore signal unit is designed to be added to your existing railway system. For full details of the two types of signal see the related items.

A parallel, or bracket, signals unit is intended to provide instructions for both immediate and more distant sections on more than one track, for example at a junction. The unit is designed to be operated remotely, but can be tested manually. Any number of signals can be operated independently within the same communication range by adding distinguishing names or numbers to their description fields.

The maintenance platform is fully accessible by ladder, and has a sliding safety gate, operated by touch (click).

A ReadMe file and a quick tester with instructions are supplied in the folder. A notecard on signalling practice is also given for guidance.

The non-mesh signal is supplied with a mesh ladder attached.

The Parallel Semaphore Signals unit is part of the Tracker System Railways accessory set.

  • Smooth operation
  • Manual or scripted control
  • Easily added & adapted to existing system
  • Sound effects