OMG! It's time to Parteeeeeeeee!
If you're looking for party decorations that bring your guest together - literally - this is it!
Rez a balloon and hit START in the menu and it will float around in its pre-set range. If your party is bigger - or smaller you can change the range.
The balloon has a mind of its own and it will float aimlessly around giving your party the feel of, well, a party.
BUT beware, these balloons stop for no one. If the balloon comes up on you it can push you, gently of course, into another party guest. YES! You may be dancing with Bob but soon, without warning, you will be with Tom.
These balloons do not discriminate and certainly can't be swayed, they just float around and if you're in there way, well, they'll move you. Sometimes you're pushed to the side, sometimes lifted gently off the floor and moved to another position on the dance floor.
Guest will laugh and smile as the balloons make their way around. Always a great party maker.
Four or five balloons can keep a whole party jumping for hours. More than that - tsk, tsk, you really don't know how to throw a party.
They are all copy and come in several colors, You can get a single balloon or a linked set of three in a theme color.
This is the best low cost, low prim entertainment you'll ever have!