G Général

Petrel Class Pilot Cutter Version 7.0aa [Release date: 17 June 2021]

Petrel Class Pilot Cutter

Petrel arose from a modification to the original Bantam made by Aelfgyva Fenwitch. This boat features a new cabin design along with all-new main- and topsail meshes and numerous other detail enhancements (which have also now been incorporated into the Bantam model too).

Petrel has a motor, an auto-trim setting for the sails, and can make use of winds from an increased number of cardinal compass directions, settable from the HUD.

With special thanks to Aelfgyva Fenwitch for suggesting the Petrel's alternate design.

[If you need help sailing this model, please check the .pdf instructions from the listing for the Bantam Class Pilot Cutter.]

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