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Photoshop folds 01

Photoshop folds 01

Photoshop Product

Folds shading in 12 Layers PSD
for use directly on your own templates in photoshop
Immediate File Download

after buy you reseved one box with a delivery box, rez the delivery-box and clic on it for receved you direct download link
** if for any raison you have a problem juste contact me and i resend you your link ^^


Terms of sale:
You can NOT sell or give away the kit full permission or as a or part of a business package. "you are not autorized to resell the texture but only in fashion format" and only in copy-modif or modif/trans but never in copy/trans or copy/modif/trans
are property of me the seller/creator and you pay the seller/creator for the ability to modify and use the files for private use to make product to sell in your own business.

I can not give you any refunds since the package are full permission,
Violations against any of these conditions may cause me to take legal actions against the violator.

Please DO NOT resell or give away the textures which I am selling to you. They are my original SL creations and I do not authorize you to sell or give them away in any way except in your own creations. You CAN NOT sell these creations as FULL PERM. Thank you for respecting my work. Any violation of these terms will be reported to Linden Labs for Violation of TOS and possible Legal Proceedings

Visite the site Web Absolut Creation

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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Thank you
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 26/4/2013 de Nuage DeCuir

I had a little trouble downloading, she helped me very quickly, the product is great. Thank you very much. Will definitely shop again from this shop

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étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 18/8/2011 de Lexi Zelin

Excellent! 5+++ thank you for sharing!

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Not PSE friendly
étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide Publié le 10/8/2011 de Raza Darkwyr

These folds are put into a "group" layer that can't be opened by PSE (Photoshop Elements). So the only fold I can get to is the one in the upper left corner in the picture. I can't find a way in PSE to open a group layer. I wish this seller would just make the wrinkles and folds on their own layers and not group them up.

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étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 1/5/2011 de Lydi Lockhart

The file contains multiple layers each with a different set of wrinkles/folds on it. I opened it in GIMP and had no trouble with using the folds by using copy and paste. While folds generally are simple enough to create, they can be a bit time consuming for some, this certainly saves time. I would recommend this to anyone needing some quick folds to enhance their designs.

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étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 3/3/2011 de hadarah Steamer

Perfect! *****

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super !!
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 12/2/2011 de Mimy Vyper

Merci beaucoup !!

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