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Piamont Kitchen V.2, Avsitter Menu + Props + Food Rezzer

 Piamont Kitchen V.2, Avsitter Menu + Props + Food Rezzer

Piamont Kitchen v.2. High Quality, Perfect for modern or cottage decor.

█ SCRIPT PERMS: Copy only (notecard MOD)
█ MESH: Partial Mesh


✱ Avsitter Menu

✱ All fresh new animations. Animations run on a 30-60 second smooth loop. No freebie or static pose.

✱High Quality Kitchen Scenes

✱Raid Fridge, Sink & Cooking Scenes

✱Food Rezzer Menu in Island & Side Cupboard

✱Low Prim


✱Rezz package on ground and open it

✱Rezz your new item on ground and simply sit for menu then chose your desired animations


________Available to see In-World_____

Any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact Desiree Manamiko

Any possible issues or custom order please send in a notecard, please remember to rename your notecard with your USER name and indication for what it is for (EX: "Something is missing- Joe Bean")

For possible failed delivery (let's face it, MP & SL likes to bork, or what is most common people decline the object instead of accepting it), Please Teleport in world and hit the redeliver terminal in the main entrance, IF for some reason it is not accessible this way, please send me a copy of the transactions history via notecard and I will manually deliver it to you :)

Review is greatly appreciated (NOTE: before leaving a negative or unfair review, please contact me first and give me a chance to fix the issues. (Again Let's face it, SL likes to borks and mistakes do happen).

Thank You,
Desiree Manamiko

See item in Second Life