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Pine Lake Log Cabin(82LI, 14x18)

Pine Lake Log Cabin(82LI, 14x18)
Pine Lake Log Cabin(82LI, 14x18)
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Pine Lake Log Cabin is a small home for the small parcel owners. It can fit the 512 parcel(16x32) very snugly but would be better for a 1024 parcel(32x32)

Pine Lake Log Cabin is 82 land impact and has a base of 14x18. It is an open concept style of living, but spacious enough if you like the big kitchen as shown in the picture. It also has a full length front porch/verandah.

Upstairs, is open with dormers facing the front. I have added window boxes with pretty yellow flowers.

The windows and shutters are scripted to open and close.

There is also an optional fireplace and chimney with accessories(6LI) inside the folder if you want to use them.

I have also added optional landscaping for a 32x32 area. You can of course, use the plants and trees individually or just not use them at all!

When unlinked the plants and landscaping is 35LI, but linked, they are 22LI. There is also an island base and just a prim water texture as part of the landscaping. I find them useful if I want to make skybox home for the log cabin. You can also use the island base if you have a water parcel and no land.

Pine Lake Log Cabin is copy, mod, no transfer and partial mesh.

L$ 300

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Simple Things & FOREVER SUMMER
Sold by: Moon Falconer

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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