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Pink Fairy Complete Female Avatar slx

Pink Fairy Complete Female Avatar slx

Sweetheart Design!

This is a complete female fairy avatar with a bright pink-stars make-up on realistic skin.

a slighty modifiable skin,
modifiable shape,
hair with colour change,
wings, shoes, glowing magic star, jewellery(tiara, necklace),
flexi skirt, shirt, gloves, diamond belly tattoo (undershirt)
smile attachment, face light, female walk AO

The shape of this avatar can be modified and copied, this allows you to change and save different shapes.

The skin can be slightly modified and copied. This allows you to save different skins with several nail polishes or natural nails f. e.

The hair has colour change. You can change it by only one touch on the hair and choosing the desired colour.

This avatar comes with a smile attachment, a female walk animation override and a face light, which gives the avatar a brighter apperance.

Have fun with this new female fairy avatar!

Some parts are modify! SKIN & SHAPE are MODIFY!

Please view also my other skins, shapes, avatars!
(Mature content should be enabled!)