Avast ye mates and swab those decks! This outfit is the perfect thing for pirate crews. Just enough wear to show you've been out at sea long enough to know the ropes. A Worn pair of pants, rolled up below the knees is worn with a striped shirt, pushed up at the elbows to keep you out of the wet. The vest has rows of skull buttons, and is worn open and loose can be worn with or without the flexi vest tails. There's a prim rope belt slung through belt loops around the waist, matching wrist-length fingerless gloves, and a prim bandanna tied around the neck.
• Vest (jacket, shirt)
• Vest tails
• Striped shirt (shirt, undershirt)
• Pants
• Belt
• Bandana
• Gloves
This item comes with copy + modify permissions, which enable you to create your own outfit combinations, and customize the fit on your avatar if you choose. It may also be purchased as a gift from the display in the store.
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Worn pair of pants, rolled up below the knees
- Striped crew shirt, pushed up at the elbows
- Vest has row of skull buttons, can be worn with or without flexi vest tails
- Prim rope belt slung through belt loops around the waist
- Includes matching wrist length fingerless gloves & prim bandana tied around neck
Complete Pirate Outfit L$178
Magnificent!!! Add the following two items to this outfit:
* ~ Pirate Hat Unisex ~ *
[Phunk] Black Pirate Boots
This wrist-rope looks good too!
Wrist Rope Restraint with RLV Lock for Abduction or BDSM play (L$50)
Great fun
After buying this for myself I just had to get another for my partner. We had great fun wearing this outfit. All the parts are so well made. Love it!
Great outfit for a very good price. As always with Blakopal!