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(Pirschjaeger) Basic Purple Dragon Avatar Version 1.4

(Pirschjaeger) Basic Purple Dragon Avatar

This partial bento mesh avatar is intended to work with the SL system (classic) avatar as its base. It may work with some SL UV mapped mesh bodies with some caveats, but please try the demo to make sure!

Since most parts are rigged mesh, trying the demo is also generally recommended to ensure that the mesh parts will work with your desired shape parameters.

Contains both Male and Female Avatars with:
Male and Female Shapes
Bento Head
Bento Wings
Bento Tail
Bento Hands with rigged wrist sizes (fits standard sizes)
Bento Hands with fitted mesh wrist sizes (fits a somewhat wider range of sizes)
Fitted Mesh Rigged Legs
Unrigged Legs
Legless Feet
Expressions and State Animations HUD
Animation Override for Wings and Tail
Wrist Size HUD
Eye Color HUD
Skins and Omega Appliers
Link to .PSD files for recoloring

Note that female adult skin will be sold separately.