PlantPet Seed [Infinity Bamboo Rose *Faerie Charmed*] RARE
Interactive Growing Plant
Grows like a real plant
Gives baby PlantPets each 52 days
No additional keeping costs
Great gift for your family and friends
PlantPets are interactive plants which can grow and express happiness if you take care for them. Each copy has its own behaviour depending on how much attention it gets from its owner. It consists of a changeable pot, an optional moisture meter and the actual plant which is temporary rezzed above the pot and gets refreshed once in a minute. You water the PlantPet by a watering menu, and it grows according to the moisture level
IMPORTANT!! When you first rezz PlantPet SEED.
Touch it and click 'GROW'. After that you will receive texture with License agreement and blue menu which asks you to Agree to the Terms. Click "I AGREE" and after that you will receive actual PlantPet.
2. Getting Started
Step 1. Rez your PlantPet needs on a land where you are allowed to run scripts.
Step 2. Touch the PlantPet's pot to get the control menu with 12 buttons. The three most important buttons are:
[Watering...] - opens a submenu for watering.
[Speed...] - opens a submenu for changing the speed of growth.
[Pause]/[Resume] - pauses/resumes your PlantPet.
If you want it to spawn sooner then you can purchase spawn boosters. There are spawn boosters of different capacity. One unit of spawn booster will make your plantpet spawn one day earlier. However, only one spawn booster (of any capacity) can be applied per day!