TBF Turtle Egg Solitaire

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (10)


TBF Turtle Egg Solitaire is a variation of peg solitaire, also known as marble solitaire, a one-person game. The aim is to remove all eggs but one from the turtle's back by jumping a neighboring egg over them. This can be done horizontally, diagonally, or vertically, somewhat like checkers. The game ends when it times out after 60 seconds (you lose), none of the eggs can be moved anymore (you lose), or only one egg remains (you win).

The game will time-out 60 seconds after the last valid move. The time-out time can be set in the Description field in Edit.

* The script is No Mod. The Land Impact may change upon resizing the object.

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レビュー (XX)

評価平均: 5 星 配分
5 スター:
4 スター:  (0)
3 スター:  (0)
2 スター:  (0)
1 スター:  (0)

掲載済み 2023/02/22 : Jasmine Linnaeus 5 星

You need this, trust me! It's such a steal and super cute. Especially for a beach parcel. Like someone else I was just looking for turtle decor. The game is really fun, I wish the timeout was a bit longer, but maybe I can adjust on my own. Regardless, you absolutely cannot beat this for 10 linden. Thank you!!

このレビューはお役に立ちましたか? はい いいえ

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Decorative, low land impact, and fun!

掲載済み 2022/03/06 : BlueHeavenly Cloud 5 星

When I bought this, I was just looking for a turtle to put out on my land as a cute decoration. This came up in my search and it wasn't what I was looking for. I saw it as a bonus that not only is it a cute decoration, it's functional! I own many things from this same creator, and the price is extremely generous, so I had no problem going for it. It plays very well, and the textures are lovely. I've had a couple of them set out in a gazebo and when I moved to another parcel, I set a couple out on a deck by the pond, which I could afford to do due to the low land impact.

このレビューはお役に立ちましたか? はい いいえ

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(  文字(残りの文字数))
The Black Forest
The Black Forest
販売元: Arduenn Schwartzman

この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

  • 5 星 10 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達
  • 土地の負荷: 2
  • メッシュ: 100% メッシュ