* Playable Kazoo Toy (2018) *
Kazoo Instructions
This is a playable kazoo. To use it please attach both the Kazoo and the Kazoo HUD. The HUD has a keyboard you can play. It also has the ability to play back songs stored in notecards dropped inside it.
Click the kazoo to display its options. It only has one option currently to turn the built in face expression off. The expression is an internal SL animation called 'express_kiss'. As this is a standard built in sl animation for classic avatars it will not be visible on bento heads unless the head has a script or hud included to replace default expressions with custom versions.
On the hud click the disk icon, a menu with a list of notecard inside the HUD will appear that you can load. Click the play button to start playing the song.
To help compose your own music click the speech bubble icon with musical notes inside on the hud. This will caused the note you press to say its name in chat. You will need to know their names when creating a song notecard.
This is an example of the jingle bells song included with an explanation of how it works...
SongName=Jingle Bells
- This is the title of the song, it displays in chat when it loads
- This is the tempo in bpm. You can also put Time= to set a timer interval in seconds. for example time=0.5 to trigger a new note every 0.5 seconds.
- This is the header to say the musical score follows.
- Sets the volume (dynamics) to very loud. Available options from quiet to loud are as follows ppp,pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff,fff
- This is the songs score. Each note/event is separated by a comma.
- An * represents a single beat pause.
- You can use the commands tempo= or time= to change the tempo at any stage
- As well as the single beat pause you can also create a timed pause with the command pause=
(eg pause=0.5 will create a half second pause)
- At any point in the song you can change the dynamics with the options ppp,pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff,ff
- You can spread the song over multiple lines for readability.
The HUD has a built in sound pre-cache system to cache sounds for avatars near by to prevent delays while the sounds download. Please note however the HUD uses a timer to trigger sounds which can be affected by lag. The songs and HUD will work best in a low lag environment.
Copyright 2018 Abranimations
See item in Second Life