G General

Pompom Strings on Branch (add)

Pompom Strings on Branch (add)

Pompoms tied on strings hanging from a birch branch. Window treatment.

Made of 2 parts: branch and pompoms on string.

Pompoms are white by default, there are 7 groups that can be tinted each as you like. Select face, tint.

Pompom wrap-strings and hanging strings are also separate faces.

Li 2 at this size.

Not advisable to resize, but if you need to, do it by edit linked and rezise then adjust to the right position both parts separately, but be aware that the round pompoms might distort and also that one pompom group will detach and has to be resized and fit back into its right position. This is because of the string+pompoms have 9 faces in total, and SL uploader supports only 8, so it divides meshes that have more that 8 faces. Not a bigie.

Resizing this model will change its land impact.

See item in Second Life