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Pool Greek Style 20x25 meter

Pool Greek Style  20x25 meter

* Pool 45 prims
* Frontpart 18 prims
- Frontpart not linked
* 2 pillows with animated pose, not linked to pool
* 3 poseballs close to the water
* Little fontain with light and water sound
* Flames on the roof, you can put on/off
- Say in chat: fire off/fire on
* Only owner can do it
* Also light effect in some colums, so its never dark
* 2 light controllers, in front and on the side
* Pool light (colour candlelight)

You can change the colour, Edit pool then use Edit linked part, Edit only the beam , in the General tab you see the colourname , change it in every colourname you want, and close. Then switch light off and on again, and you have a different colour.

Make midnight to see the real lights in sl

To rezz the pool, put the rezzbox on the ground, and leftclick the box, rezz the pool, after that, edit the box and move the pool till you think its oke.
Then click the box again (leftmouse button) and use DONE in the menu.

Then you can delete the rezzbox if you want.
When you ever mesh up the pool, put the rezzbox again and rezz a new pool

no refunds


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See item in Second Life
  • * 2 pillows with animated pose, not linked to pool
  • * 3 poseballs close to the water
  • * Flames on the roof, you can put on/off
  • * Also light effect in some colums
  • * 2 light controllers, in front and on the side