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Pose Me - Pack 2

Pose Me - Pack 2

Items will be delivered in a folder. Contents of the folder will include:
[ PoseMe - Pack 2 ] 3 standing poses, pose ball and separate animations included.
Pose ball can be moved to desired location in edit mode, play animation, or load animations into to a posing HUD.
Poses can be unlinked for adjustments or purchase a pose adjuster.

Broken ankle problems? Try this free version to fix any issues you may encounter:

[Note to customer]
* Additional changes may need to be made (altering the avatar body size/height/arm length/arm length/) to duplicate positions in the advertisement.
* For best results use Bento Hand poses

By purchasing pose animations from ©KMA Poses you are agreeing to abide by the terms of the agreement outlined Copyright Policy. Animations purchased and delivered within the virtual Secondlife.com are licensed for use within Secondlife.com only. Poses can be used for personal use or as a part of a creation. KMA Poses shall not be sold or given away.