Prague Park
Seamless Panoramic Textures
An amazing watery park in Prague
6 High Quality Seamless Panoramic Textures
Full Permissions Panoramic images for privacy screens, backgrounds, whatever.
Included in this set:
Seamless Textures for privacy screens etc. that fit together seamlessly, and scale to any orientation.
4 - 1024 X 1024
Full Panoramic Texture - which combines the 4 into one long image.
2 -1024x256
The textures numbered 101,102,103,104 are square but they stretch nicely to fit on a 1x2 Prim (1 High X 2 Wide). So a prim that was 32x64, or 16x32. They will also work on other ratios experiment a bit.
They are designed to be placed in order. 102 goes to the right of 101 etc.
Textures A and B are the same texture, simply reversed so they can be used on either end of the numbered textures.
You can set the Horizontal repeats to negative for the textures, to match the edge to the other textures. If you do be sure to set all the textures the same way.
texture 1 | texture 2 | texture 3 | texture 4 | texture 4 - H | texture 3 - H | texture 2 - H |texture 1 - H | etc.
If there are any issues with this or any item, please contact us via note card or IM and we will happily help you.
We are known for great customer service and our willingness to help.
Please see the TOS included with this product for info.
Please, these Full Perm items cannot be re-sold as is, claimed as your own creation or used outside of Second Life.
- Seamless Panoramic Textures
- 6 High Quality Textures
- Full Permissions
- Seamless Joining